ahro atteneded by unpo feb 15

The report also suggests targeted recommendations to the central government, the Kurdish Regional Government, and the international community.

Ahwaz Human Rights Organization(AHRO) condemns terrorist attacks in France

Jaber Sakhravi-Ahwazi Arab

Sunni converts tortured in detention, health deteriorating, Iran


HRANA News Agency – Two men from Iran’s Ahwazi Arab minority who were arrested in Iran earlier this year after converting from Shi’ism to Sunni Islam were reportedly subjected to severe torture whilst held in the Ministry of Intelligence detention center in Ahwaz.

Ahwazi People

An Iranian goverment plan to seize Ahwazi Arab farm lands


- United Nation Human Rights Council

- Indigenous People Organisation in United Nation

- The UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran, Ahmad Shaheed

- Amnesty International

- Human Rights Watch

- Reporters without Borders

- Arab Organisations for Human Rights

- Iranian Organisations for Human Rights


Akbar Torkan an Iranian politician and Chief Adviser of President Hassan Rouhani, says any Iranian from other provinces should have a farming land in Mohammara (Khoramshahr) & Abbadan.

The Iranian authorities have secretly carried out the death sentence against the two Ahwazi Arab activists, Ali Aljebeshat and Khalid Al-Moussawi. The execution carried out by the Iranian authorities despite many International appeals including experts and rapporteurs of the United Nations and Amnesty International, which had demandaed that Iran stop the executions.

Further information on UA: 72/14 Index: MDE 13/024/2014 Iran Date: 9 May 2014


AHWAZI ARAB MEN at imminent risk of execution

Death row prisoners Ali Chebieshat and Sayed Khaled Mousawi, both members of Iran’s Ahwazi Arab minority, may be nearing execution, as the Supreme Court is understood to have upheld their death sentences.

Ali Chebieshat, Sayed Khaled Mousawi

Two Ahwazi Arab men on death row, Ali Chebieshat and Sayed Khaled Mousawi, have been transferred from Fajr Prison in Dezfoul, Khuzestan province, to an unknown location, sparking fears their execution may be imminent.


On the occasion of the 25th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, presented his report on recent human rights violations in Iran. The report made special reference to human rights violation against minority and ethnic groups such as Ahwazi Arabs and Kurds, and condemned the recent execution of Ahwazi Arabs activists.