Fahimeh Ismaeli ,an Ahwazi Arab female political prisoner lost conscious after being severely beaten by Yasouj prison's guard.
According to reports received by Ahwaz Human Rights Organization ,Fahmieh Ismaeli , the well-known female Ahwazi Arab political prisoner ,who was exiled to Yasuj to spend her imprisonment since 2006, has received severe physical beaten by the prison guards in which she was later transferred to hospital as she lost consciousness .
The source stated :"Yesterday, ,Thursday (2/6/2016) ,Mrs.Ismaeli the Ahwazi political prisoner has received physical punishment after a verbal confrontation with a prison guard named "Ameneh Fooladi " of Yasuj central prison . The beating was so extreme that Mrs.Ismaeli was initially committed to the clinic inside the prison and later transferred to hospital due to deterioration of her health condition .
The source added that :" The beating began inside the cell when the prison's guard started the provocation and insulting Mrs.Ismaeli ,which eventually caused the argument .The incident has then escalated between the prison guard and Mrs.Ismaeli . One day after her hospitalization she was released today (3/6/2016) and was returned back to the prison and she is currently bedridden in her cell in an unsuitable situation ."
Fahimeh Ismaeli was a elementry school teacher ,who was arrested along with her husband "Mr. Ali Motayeri " on 28/11/2005 . At the time of arrest she was 8 months pregnant with their daughter"Salma".
"Salma" was born one month later in the detention center of ministry of intelligent in Ahwaz. This Arab woman was later sentenced to 15 years imprisonment in Yasuj prison ,but her husband was executed for charge of being acting as "enmity against God " on 19/12/2006.
Ahwaz human righta organization (AHRO)
3-June - 2016